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  • Baby Care

  • May 17, 2023 2 min read

    We are excited to announce the launch of two new products, and an entirely new collection for baby care.



    Comfort at Every Touch: About The Baby Care Collection

    Waphyto’s baby care collection focuses on the needs of sensitive infant skin, and also encourages skinship between infants and their caregivers.

    For head-to-toe cleansing, Baby Wash is a gentle foaming wash formula that moisturizes and protects healthy barrier function in the skin. It also features easy-to-use packaging that can be opened and used with just one hand.

    Similarly, Waphyto’s Baby Cream uses proprietary three-phase emulsification technology to ensure the delivery of nourishing active ingredients. Its lightweight and silky texture makes it appropriate to use as moisturizing cream following cleansing, or as a massage medium.

    Both products come in colorful packaging with stickers, designed to make baby care time playful and fun. They also utilize biodegradable materials, post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic, recycled paper packaging, and soybean ink, as part of the brand’s commitment to producing products sustainably.



    Soothing For The Skin and The Mind: About Waphyto’s Proprietary Ingredients

    As Japan’s biomethodology beauty and wellness brand, Waphyto is known for creating innovative products using nutrient-rich homegrown botanicals from the Mikawa region.

    In particular, the baby care collection was inspired by the powerful effects of chrysanthemum flowers, or Japanese calendula. Sometimes referred to as “the elixir for longevity,” chrysanthemum flower extract is known to have calming properties for the skin, as well as a pleasant aroma that promotes peaceful sleep.

    Both Baby Wash and Baby Cream contain a golden ratio of Waphyto’s signature plant-derived ingredients – chrysanthemum, mulberry, mugwort, gotu kola, and horsetail – which have all been demonstrated to improve skin health and function. Meanwhile, other key ingredients included in the two new formulas are artichoke leaf extract, yoshino cherry, meadowfoam oil, coix seed, plant-based squalane, suizenji nori, and noni.

    Lastly, what makes Baby Wash and Baby Cream unique to the market is their special scent. The formulas are infused with a blend of 100% natural essential oils, including lavender, primrose, geranium, and sweet orange. 

    Based on French phytotherapy principles, Waphyto’s fragrances give the products an added aromatherapy element that is soothing to babies but can also be enjoyed by the adults who take care of them. 



    With a passion for preserving the purity of nature, Waphyto works to ensure that all ingredients and formulas meet the highest standards of the company’s scientists and herbalists, as well as those of today’s socially-responsible marketplace.

    Waphyto Team
    Waphyto Team

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