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  • Skin Care

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  • Baby Care

  • July 25, 2024 2 min read

    Sustainability is the ability to exist within our society without depleting all of the natural resources needed for us, and future generations, to continue to live. This idea is founded on the principle that everything we need to survive can be found in our natural environment around us, thus negating the need to compromise our livelihood. It puts forth the practice of supporting our human, economic, and ecological health.

    Founded on this principle, Waphyto continues to embark on the journey to create high quality products without depleting our resources. By using natural ingredients, we created unique products that go beyond cosmetics to support women throughout their lives. All of Waphyto’s products are based on the extensive experience of our founder,Atsuko Morita. A distinguished phytotherapist, Morita used her background and experience with childbirth, nursing care, infertility, and menopause to help people living in a time of low birthrates, aging populations, and longer lifespans.

    Driven by sustainability, Waphyto's unique product lineup was created using Japan's first botanical biomethodology, preserving nature while aiding women in need. The supplies include products for various stages of women's lives, from skin care to body care, hair care, and delicate zone care. The Waphyto packages are made from materials with the lowest possible environmental impact, and the colorful earthy color palette is inspired by the colors found in nature to express the diversity of each person's uniqueness. Each item is designed to be easily recognizable and categorized by different earth colors chosen from traditional Japanese colors.

    Any paper used in our packaging is FSC certified, which is awarded to wood that is produced in an economically sustainable manner; specifically, this production benefits local communities while taking into consideration the environmental protection of forests. Waphyto is committed to supporting a richer and more fulfilling life care. As we continue to strive to make a difference both now and, in the future, we will continue to seek ways to ensure the stable use of materials with low environmental impact for all containers.
    Waphyto Team
    Waphyto Team

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